Guarantee the protection of personal data in each of your contracts

Improving compliance and efficiency

One of the main benefits of Autolex for Data Protection Officers (DPoS) is its ability to strengthen regulatory compliance while improving efficiency. Using its module Word add-in, a DPO can compare the terms of a contract with a standard reference clause. For example, if a business wants to ensure that its data transfer clauses are in accordance with GDPR, Autolex can automatically identify discrepancies between the terms of the current contract and those of the playbooks. These discrepancies can then be corrected using suggestions generated by artificial intelligence.

In addition, Autolex highlights missing clauses or those that require adjustments according to the specific needs of each contract. For example, if a contract involves the processing of health data, the tool may suggest including stricter confidentiality clauses. By offering accurate and automated recommendations, Autolex minimizes the risk of human error, ensures ongoing compliance with regulatory standards, and allows DPOs to manage a large volume of contracts without compromising quality or speed. This solution improves operational efficiency and frees DPOs from tedious manual tasks to focus on missions with higher added value.

A human and a robot working together on data protection. The scene includes a gigantic safe containing personal data, symbolizing the concept of data protection. The human and robot collaborate, standing side by side, analyzing data on a screen. The safe is surrounded by glowing symbols of locks and shields, representing security. The dominant colors are #f9828e and #5ed3d0. The image is in a 16:9 aspect ratio.

Optimizing the search for information

Autolex's ability to answer questions in natural language based on analyzed contract documents is an essential advantage for Data Protection Officers (DPOs). By asking specific questions, DPOs can effectively navigate contracts and identify relevant clauses. For example, a DPO might ask, “What contracts contain data transfer clauses in the United States?” Autolex analyzes the documents previously uploaded and returns a complete list of contracts containing these clauses, with direct links to the relevant sections.

If a DPO wants to understand which consent clauses are included in contracts with marketing service providers, it can simply query Autolex in natural language. The tool will provide a summary of the corresponding clauses, their location in each document, and highlight possible areas for improvement compared to the company's standard clauses.

By limiting the search to analyzed documents, Autolex guarantees relevant and instant results, allowing DPOs to save valuable hours of manual work. This allows them to review contracts in greater detail to identify potential risks or discrepancies, while responding quickly and effectively to internal requests for information.

Automated and customizable creation of clauses

Autolex relies on an advanced language model for automatically generate personalized contract clauses, offering Data Protection Officers (DPOs) considerable flexibility. For example, when a DPO draws up a contract for a company that processes the data of European customers, Autolex may propose a GDPR compliant clause concerning the data retention period. Using context analysis, it adapts the content to the specific nature of the contract. If a DPO is working on an agreement involving several third party suppliers, they can ask Autolex to generate suitable confidentiality and data transfer clauses. The tool then creates clauses that specify the obligations of each provider in terms of data protection, based on regulatory standards and internal company practices.

Autolex also integrates sectoral variations in the creation of clauses. For example, for contracts related to health services, the tool will generate reinforced clauses relating to the protection of medical data, in accordance with standards HIPAA or other relevant regulations.

This custom automation not only reduces drafting time, but also ensures that each contract is structured according to strict compliance criteria, minimizing legal risks. DPOs become more efficient, can adapt clauses to different needs, and ensure proactive management of data protection contracts.

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